John Haddox

NOTE: Need to sort out "Sr." and "Jr."

1810 Census (1810.08.06) Frederick Co., VA - pg 367, John Haddox, Sr.

Free white males...1
10 - 15...3
16 - 25...1
females under 10...1
16 - 25...1

1810 Census (1810.08.06) Frederick Co., VA - pg 367, John Haddox, Jr.

Free white males under 10...3
10 - 15...1
16 - 25...1
26 - 44...1
females under 10...2
16 - 25...1
26 - 44...1

John Dukes Seaborn of Franklin Co., OH sold to John Hadox [sic] Sen. of Frederick Co., VA for $100 on 10 Sept 1813 in fee simple a 120 acre parcel of land in Culpeper Co., Va, now in occupancy of Joseph Settle, adjoining land of William Roundtree, being same land leased to by Peter Locke to Thomas Jordan for 99 years, now the aforesaid John Dukes Seaborn the legal heir of his father John Dukes. Witnessed by E. Haddox, Charles Grubs & Mansfield Settle, proved on 5 May 1817. The Title Bond, being of record in the County Court of Frederick, was recorded with certificates in the County Court of Rappahannock, VA on 12 April 1936. . Reference note in column states "J.R. Haddox". (Deeds B:404, Rappahannock Co., VA)

1820 Census (1820.08.07)      Stephens, Frederick Co., VA - Pg. 27A, Ln 5. John Haddox

Free white males under 10...1
16 - 17...0
16 - 25...1
females 45+...1
Engaged in Agriculture...6

People Page

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W. Haddox Sothoron, M.D.